Scott J. Siegel purchased CK Chiropractic from a retiring chiropractor after having moved to the area from New York with his wife, Genie, and son, David, in 2009. Dr. Siegel owned and operated a practice in Brooklyn, N.Y. for over 20 years. Dr. Siegel is a 1985 Phi Chi Omega International Chiropractic Honor Society graduate of New York Chiropractic College.
Dr Siegel uses Impulse Instrument Adjusting and the Chirossager percussion massage system in addition to conventional spinal manipulation therapy.
Dr. Siegel is qualified in the Graston Technique for various different types of muscle, tendon, ligament and connective tissues problems. It is a fairly painless treatment that is used by professional sports teams and large companies for the treatment of occupational injuries.
In 2006, Dr. Siegel acquired a lumbar intervertebral disc decompression machine, the Extentrac Elite ®. The Extentrac represents the state-of-the art in non-surgical, non-invasive treatment of low back conditions. Its FDA indications for use include relief from the pain of the major causes of mechanical back pain including lumbar disc herniation (protrusion), disc bulge, degenerative disc disease, facet syndrome, radiating leg pain, low back pain and localized back pain.