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2515 Camino Del Rio South # 110,
San Diego, CA 92108





Roeder Wellness Center

Welcome to Roeder Wellness Center! 

In pain? Pain has a profound effect on the quality of your life. It makes you more irritable, decreases your ability to think, concentrate on what’s important in your life.

Who wants a better, healthier, pain-free life and lifestyle? You’ve found the answer here at Roeder Wellness Center. We want to help you rid yourself of pain, as well as increase your health and quality of life.

What conditions do we treat? To name a few:

  • Headaches
  • Neck and back pain
  • Disc problems
  • Carpal tunnel syndrome
  • TMJ pain
  • Sciatica
  • Hip pain
  • Sports injuries like plantar fasciitis, ankle and knee pain
  • Migraines
  • Car and motorcycle injuries
  • Work related injuries
  • Fibromyalgia
  • IT band dysfunction and pain
  • Ear infections in children

Moreover, Dr. Roeder is one of the only San Diego chiropractors who provides safe prenatal chiropractic treatment to expecting parents as well as safe and effective treatment of childhood injuries.

How do we treat these conditions? Each patient is evaluated and treated individually. At the office, Dr. Roeder combines chiropractic care with physiotherapy treatment, like trigger point therapy and myofascial release (similar to massage). As well as providing expertise in nutrition, natural remedies, stretching, strengthening including yoga and Pilates, we provide comprehensive, whole person care.

While many of our patients see us strictly for chiropractic care, as Dr. Roeder has connected with her patients, she often becomes their first-line doctor for their healthcare needs. As a mainstay in the San Diego community, she has relationships with other doctors and will refer to trusted therapists, surgeons, dentists, diagnostic facilities as necessary. You can be assured, you’re in excellent hands.

Our chief goal is to help you life a happy, health, pain-free life. 

It's Your Life... Live it in Health!

Dr. Carrie Roeder 
San Diego Chiropractor | Roeder Wellness Center |  619-291-8111

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Dr. Carrie Roeder Brannock


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