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844 Jackson Street,
Santa Clara, CA 95050

(408) 249-0382




Nova Chiropractic

Our approach is simple. We believe that health is among our most valuable possessions. And while we generally meet people after they’ve lost their health, our commitment is two-fold:

1. Relief Care

When many people seek care in our office they have one goal: relief. So that’s where we start! During this initial stage of intensive care, we have several obligations:

Uncover the underlying cause of the health problem

Suggest a care plan to produce the fastest results possible 

Offer ways patients can participate in their recovery

Explain the value of post-symptomatic wellness care

2. Wellness Care

We encourage our patients to achieve the highest levels of health they can. Through educational opportunities (like this website), we hope to communicate the value of ongoing chiropractic care. Our desire is to see our practice members abandon the prevailing sickness care model of health (waiting for symptoms and then taking action), in favor of the emerging wellness model.

You’re the Boss

Regardless of your health goals, please understand that we see ourselves as mere servants. You’re the boss! It’s your body, your health and your future. Our job is to offer you the finest chiropractic care possible, and it’s up to you to decide how much of it you want.

Sound interesting?  Please contact our Santa Clara office to make an appointment today. 

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Dr. Heather Shaw

(408) 249-0382

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Dr. Alexander Greene

(408) 249-0382

secure Copyright HourMine Corp 2024  

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