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4190 E Lake Rd,
Erie, PA 16511

(814) 898-2346




Krauza Family Chiropractic

Our Mission Statement

To create a consciousness for each practice member to actively participate in their expression of life so they can effectively Create Wellness in all three dimensions of life without interference to the body’s master control system.

Our Purpose

If we keep doing what we have been doing all along, nothing will ever change. The time has come for chiropractic to be a part of everyone’s health care routine. Chiropractic offers practical options, concepts, and solutions to many of our society’s ills. While respecting your beliefs, Krauza Family Chiropractic will educate you about the true nature of health and the keys to living a truly healthy lifestyle. There are no surprises. Join with Krauza Family Chiropractic to assist in improving the quality of your life!

Our Philosophy

Our approach is simple. We believe that health is amongst our most valuable possessions. And while we generally meet people after they’ve lost their health, our commitment is two-fold. Ultimately, through our fully integratable services, we want to educate you to need us less.

1. Relief Care in Erie

Uncover the underlying cause of the health problem
When many people seek care in our office and have one goal: relief. So that’s where we start! During this initial stage of intensive care, we have several obligations:

  • Suggest a care plan to produce the fastest results possible
  • Offer ways patients can participate in their recovery
  • Explain value of post-symptomatic wellness care

2. Wellness Care is Proactive Care

We’re committed to teaching our patients that true health is not a thing, but rather a state of being. We are the ONLY Creating Wellness Center within a 160 mile radius. Through our revolutionary and state of the art approach to measuring wellness, we hope to communicate the value and importance of proactive chiropractic care combined with good lifestyle choices. Our focus is to see Erie County become the healthiest county in Pennsylvania by the year 2024.

You’re the Boss, We’re here to serve YOU!

Regardless of your health goals, please understand that we see ourselves as mere servants. You’re the boss! It’s your body, your health and your future. Our job is to offer you the finest chiropractic care and lifestyle advice possible and just as we communicate our recommendations, tell us what you want to do.

What else would you like to know? Call Krauza Family Chiropractic or email us using the link below.

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Dr. Steven D. Krauza


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